tmux tricks

nicer (imo) git log

A nicer look for git log

First run git config --global alias.l "log --graph --decorate --all --max-count 5 --name-status"

Then run git l

It should look something like

* commit 7110cbba9dad7fffbf3bdf137d39f09fec277f16 (HEAD, tag: v1.0.5, origin/master, origin/HEAD, master) | Author: Brandon Burton <[email protected]> | Date: Mon Oct 27 14:42:19 2014 -0700 | | version 1.0.5 | | - This is a pretty substantial rewrite of this cookbook | - It now uses | [YAMLConfig](ttps:// for | config generations. | - You should review the README and see | ttps:// | | M Berksfile.lock | A | M | D Rakefile | M attributes/default.rb | A files/default/templates_yaml/example_yaml_template.yaml.erb.sample | A libraries/config_render.rb | M metadata.rb | A recipes/config_render.rb | D recipes/default.rb | A recipes/install.rb | A recipes/service.rb | M templates/default/jmxtrans.upstart.conf.erb | D templates/default/jmxtrans_config.json.erb | M templates/default/jmxtrans_default.erb | D test/.chef/knife.rb | D test/support/Gemfile | D test/support/Gemfile.lock | * commit 3866e7cdc535e757d153d48d40ced1a03f53c734 | Author: Brandon Burton <[email protected]> | Date: Fri Oct 10 08:28:16 2014 -0700 | | adding .gitignore | | A .gitignore | * commit 0db90a064a1eb03181868ab084f0c6f8588bbf9a (tag: v0.0.5) | Author: Brandon Burton <[email protected]> | Date: Fri Sep 26 23:20:37 2014 -0700 | | moar fixes | | M Berksfile.lock

added 2014-11-03